Vision & Mission Graduate School Unimed
The goal of the Postgraduate Program at the State University of Medan (PPs Unimed) is to become a node for the quality of research -based education at the national and regional levels and to pioneer Unimed to become one of the World Class Universities.. Unimed Postgraduates are the locomotive for driving innovation in education, research, and community service carried out by Unimed. According to this ideal, the vision of the Postgraduate Program at the State University of Medan (Unimed) is: "Postgraduate programs that excel in learning and research in education, humanities, science and technology that are recognized at the national, regional and international levels". Excellence in learning is realized through the provision of quality education with classical learning practices, laboratories, fields, seminar learning with the application of various innovative learning models and IT/ICT-based learning technology. Unimed Postgraduate has the responsibility of producing educators and education personnel, academics, researchers, counselors,
Excellence in research, the Unimed Postgraduate academic community conducts various types of research on school curriculum development, innovative learning models, analysis of various educational policies, integrated research on learning technology and education management, utilization of physics, chemistry, biology laboratories in producing various industrial-scale products. Educational research policies based on real needs in schools are carried out to enrich teaching materials in the field of education in the form of innovations in learning. As the only state LPTK in North Sumatra, Unimed must become a consulting center to solve problems in the field of research-based education. Balanced basic and applied research based on the real needs of stakeholders and community service based onincome generating . Basic research products on a laboratory scale can be transformed into industrial-scale products that have regional and international competitiveness. In the process of developing the quality of industrial products, the Unimed Postgraduate is able to contribute to the quality and efficiency of processes and products based on the results of applied research that is accurate and carried out continuously. Unimed Postgraduate contributions can be in the form of technical assistance for expansion and extensification in the field of service marketing for various industrial products. In this context, industrial management deserves to be a strategic study for Unimed.
To realize the vision above, the mission of the Unimed Postgraduate Program is:
- Organizing competency-based quality learning in line with the development of science and technology-OR;
- Creating an academic atmosphere and culture to foster scientific attitudes, trust, fairness, and creativity for the academic community;
- Conducting research based on issues of education, business and industry;
- Building partnership networks for education, research and community service at the local, national, regional and international levels;
- Building mutual cooperation with educational institutions, business and industry related to the implementation of research and development of Science and Technology-OR.
As a higher education institution, the Postgraduate Program has three components of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, namely education, research and community service. Therefore, in line with the vision, mission and three components of the tri dharma, the objectives of the Postgraduate Program are formulated as follows:
- Produce graduates who are competent, professional, and competitive in the fields of education, humanities, science and technology;
- Produce graduates who have scientific attitudes, trust, fairness, creativity and national insight;
- Produce research-based scientific works as solutions to problems in education, business and industry;
- Producing research-based science and technology-OR innovation products that are useful for improving people's welfare;
- Generate recognition of the quality of graduates and Unimed Postgraduate institutions based on partnerships in education, research and community service at the national, regional and international levels;
- Disseminate and implement science and technology-OR products based on partnerships in education, research and community service at local, national, regional and international levels;
- Generate mutual cooperation between the Postgraduate Program and stakeholders. Produce graduates who believe and are devoted to God Almighty, have the spirit of Pancasila, have high integrity and personality, are open and responsive to changes and advances in science and problems faced by society, especially those who related to their area of expertise.
- Produce graduates who are professional, tough, superior, moral, have leadership qualities, have high abilities and are able to compete at the national level in filling the needs of all aspects and roles in education, teaching, research and scientific development activities in the field of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and those related to Mathematics and Natural Sciences.