UNIMED Lecturers Conduct Education on Prevention and Reduction of Earthquake and Fire Disaster Risks

assistance in the community service program is Dr. Dwi Wahyuni ​​Nurwihastuti, S.Si., M.Sc. as Chairman, member, Dr.Ir. Rumilla Harahap, MT, IPM., Dr. Nurkadri, S.Pd., M.Pd., and Drs. Anam Ibrahim, M.Pd. Dwi Wahyuni ​​Nurwihastuti told a Humas reporter that this activity aims to increase students' understanding and awareness of the importance of being prepared for the risk of earthquakes and fires. In this mentoring activity, a simulation was also carried out which was participated by all Primbana SMAS students at the end of student study hours.

Service activities with LPPM assistants are fully supported by the Principal of SMAS Primbana Erika Verawati Bangun, S.Si., as well as the support of teachers, who overall activities have gone well and smoothly. Students take part in activities seriously and enthusiastically because the materials and activities carried out are in accordance with what is needed.

Principal of SMAS Primbana Erika Verawati Bangun, S.Si. said “We are very grateful for the support from LPPM Unimed in educating students of SMAS Primbana Medan City about preventing and reducing the risk of earthquakes and fires. Our school occupies a building on the 3rd and 4th floors in a 5-storey building which is closed with a total of about 750 people occupying this building every day, starting from elementary, junior high, and high school so it is very risky in the event of an earthquake and/or fire during school hours”.