Master's Degree of Accountancy
Head of Department : Dr. Arfan Ikhsan., SE., M.Si
Secretary : Anggriyani, SE, M.Sc.
To become a center of excellence in developing accounting science and technology in ASEAN by 2025
- Organizing technology-based education to support development in the field of Accounting at local, national and international levels.
- Carry out and develop research in the field of accounting that is relevant to the needs of industry and society.
- Collaborating with government, private and public institutions in applying research results in the accounting sector to support development at local, national and international levels.
- Organizing, developing an integrated organization and management through the application of the principles of transparency, participation, efficiency and productivity.
- Produce a Master of Accounting that is professional and relevant to the needs of industry and society.
- Produce research that is able to solve various accounting problems in theory and practice.
- Generate patents and rights from accounting research.
- The establishment of sustainable synergy between the master of accounting with the government, industry and society.
- The formation of an effective and efficient organization in achieving the vision of the study program.
- The implementation of good university governance.
Graduate Profile;
- Accounting Lecturer
- Financial consultant
- Inspectorate
- Accountant
- Auditor
- Financial Analyst
- Researcher