Master's Degree of Technology Education
Head of Department: Dr. Mursid, M.Pd
Secretary: Dr. Syamsidar Tanjung, M.Pd
"To create a superior, quality and reputable master's degree in educational technology program"
- Mission
Implementing Education and Learning to produce experts in solving learning problems by designing and developing learning systems and technologies that have a more effective and efficient impact on learning outcomes. - Carry out education and training activities through research and service in developing learning systems that are beneficial for the development of science and improving the quality of education and learning.
- Develop creative and innovative new ideas
through Educational Technology so as to be able to adapt and anticipate changes and developments in the latest science and technology in a sustainable manner in the field of learning and education. - Provide various services and practical scientific technology and develop coordination and partnership cooperation through Educational Technology with various parties in accordance with the development of community needs at the national, regional and global levels.
Study Program Description
The implementation of the Masters Program in Educational Technology for the Unimed Postgraduate Program is based on the community's need for professional personnel in the field of resource empowerment in human resource empowerment institutions. Until now, PPs Unimed Education Technology Study Program, the activity is aimed at producing educational staff who are able to become educational staff in human resource empowerment institutions in the community. The development of the Master Program in Educational Technology in the Unimed Postgraduate Program is directed at the hope that its graduates will be able to solve various problems in the world of education/learning and training by relying on their abilities and skills in the field of Educational Technology in all lines, types, and units of education. The Master of Educational Technology Study Program of the Unimed Postgraduate Program received Operator Permit No. 02/Dikti/Kep/2001, February 09, 2001. Currently the Study Program
Educational Technology Masters obtained an "A" Accreditation Score with the SK BAN-PT Number: No. 6733/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-PPJ/M/X/2020 which is valid for 5 (five) years from October 25, 2020 to October 25, 2025.
- Graduate Competencies Competency
standards for graduates of the Master Program in Educational Technology, include the following competency standards, namely:
Students are able to demonstrate the knowledge required to create, use, assess and manage the theoretical and practical application of technology and educational processes through scientific education and learning in educational development. - Students are able to develop themselves as practitioners to demonstrate the implementation of learning technology and educational processes effectively based on current and up-to-date content and pedagogy.
- Students are able to facilitate learning through creating, using, assessing and managing learning environments effectively through education and training program developers (performance technology).
- Students are able to design, develop, implement and assess technology-rich learning environments through the design and development of ICT-based learning media, multimedia and e-learning in a supportive community of practice.
- Students are able to explore and apply through curriculum designers and developers, models, strategies, methods and learning media with inventions to improve learning and develop performance.