History Graduate School Unimed

The Postgraduate Program at the State University of Medan was formed in 2000 through the issuance of the Unimed Rector's Decree No.011/K10.KEP/KP.02.18/2000 dated December 21, 2000. This was followed by the formation of the UNIMED Graduate Program Management Structure through the issuance of the UNIMED Chancellor's Decree No.012 /K10/KEP/PP/2001 dated January 3, 2001, where Prof. Program. Dr. Usman Pelly, MA was appointed as the Coordinator.

The LTBI Masters Study Program is the first study program organized by PPs UNIMED through the issuance of SK Dikti No. 313/DIKTI/KEP/2000 dated September 1, 2000. The following year, PPs Unimed re-opened two study programs, namely the Master of Education Administration and Master's Degree Study Programs. Educational Technology through the issuance of an operating license from DIKTI through Decree No. 97/DIKTI/Kep/2001 and No. 02/DIKTI Kep/2001.

In 2004, PPs Unimed was trusted to open a new study program, namely Chemistry Education in accordance with SK Dikti No. 686/D/T/2004 dated February 18, 2004. From 2006 to 2007 the number of study programs increased with the issuance of permits for the implementation of the Social Anthropology Study Program through Decree no. 1183/D/T/2006, Master's Degree Program in Development Studies through Decree No. 1183/D/T/2006. 1923/D/T/2006, Mathematics Education with Decree No. 1509/D/T/2007 and Basic Education with Decree No. 2460/D/T/2007.

Furthermore, in 2008 the Doctoral Program in Education Management and the Biology Education Study Program were opened according to Decree No. 546/D/T/2008. In 2009 the Educational Technology Doctoral Study Program was opened in collaboration with the Jakarta State University. In the period from 2010 to

2017 The Postgraduate Program has again opened a new study program, namely Physics Education through Decree No. 139/D/O/2010, Indonesian Language and Literature Education (Dikbin) according to Decree No. 158/E/O/2014, Sports Education (Dikkor) according to Decree No. 385/E/O/2014, Sports Science according to the Decree of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education

No. 50/KPT/I/2016, Accounting according to the Decree of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education No. 249/KPT/I/2016, Economic Education according to the Decree of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education No. 128/KPT/I/2017, and French Language Education according to the Decree of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education No. 357/KPT/I/2017. Along with the increase in the number of master study programs, in October 2016 PPs Unimed was mandated to organize four doctoral programs, namely the Teacher Technology Study Program, English Applied Linguistics, Chemistry Teacher Training, Elementary School Teacher Training through the issuance of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education Decree No. 414/KPT/I/2016 dated 13 October 2016.

Until now, the Unimed Postgraduate Program has 15 master program study programs, namely: English Applied Linguistics (LTBI), Educational Technology (TP), Educational Administration (AP), Chemical Education (Dikkim), Social Anthropology (Ansos), Economics ( IE), Mathematics Education (Dikmat), Basic Education (Dikdas), Biology Education (Dikbio), Physics Education (Dikfis), Indonesian Language and Literature Education (Dikbin), Sports Education (Dikkor), Sports Science (Ikor), Accounting, Economics Education, Physics, Chemistry, Teacher Vocational Education. Furthermore, there are five doctoral programs, namely the Education Management Study Program (MP), Chemistry Teacher Training, Elementary School Teacher Training, Educational Technology, English Applied Linguistics and Mathematics Education.