Master's Degree of English Applied Linguistics

Head of Department : Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed

Secretary : Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan, M. Hum


To become an excellent study program in the field of research and development of applied English linguistics on a national and international scale


  1. Organizing research-based learning development in the field of Applied Linguistics which includes English Language Education, Translation, Functional Verieties of Language, and Language Planning.
  2. Conducting research development in the field of Applied Linguistics which includes English Language Education, Translation, Functional Verieties of Language, and Language Planning.
  3. Organizing research-based community service in the field of Applied Linguistics which includes English Language Education, Translation, Functional Veri- eties of Language, and Language Planning.
  4. Organizing quality study program services to stakeholders.
  5. Developing organizational culture in a social academic context
  6. Building a network of cooperation with various institutions with the principle of mutual respect for common interests

Destination :

  1. To produce reliable and qualified researchers in English Language Education, Translation, Functional Verieties of Language, and Language Planning.
  2. The creation of creative and innovative research works in the fields of English Language Education, Translation, Functional Verieties of Language, and Language Planning.
  3. The creation of creative and innovative service to the community in the fields of English Language Education, Translation, Functional Verieties of Language, and Language Planning.
  4. To provide quality academic and non-academic services to stakeholders in the fields of English Language Education, Translation, Functional Verieties of Language, and Language Planning.
  5. The realization of a conducive LTBI organizational culture in the academic social context that encourages the establishment of a research-based university.
  6. The establishment of a network of cooperation with various institutions with the principle of mutual respect for mutual interests.

Graduate Profile

  1. English Educator/Lecturer
  2. Associate Researcher
  3. Education Manager

List of staff academic research, click here