Master's Degree of English Applied Linguistics
Head of Department : Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed
Secretary : Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan, M. Hum
To become an excellent study program in the field of research and development of applied English linguistics on a national and international scale
- Organizing research-based learning development in the field of Applied Linguistics which includes English Language Education, Translation, Functional Verieties of Language, and Language Planning.
- Conducting research development in the field of Applied Linguistics which includes English Language Education, Translation, Functional Verieties of Language, and Language Planning.
- Organizing research-based community service in the field of Applied Linguistics which includes English Language Education, Translation, Functional Veri- eties of Language, and Language Planning.
- Organizing quality study program services to stakeholders.
- Developing organizational culture in a social academic context
- Building a network of cooperation with various institutions with the principle of mutual respect for common interests
Destination :
- To produce reliable and qualified researchers in English Language Education, Translation, Functional Verieties of Language, and Language Planning.
- The creation of creative and innovative research works in the fields of English Language Education, Translation, Functional Verieties of Language, and Language Planning.
- The creation of creative and innovative service to the community in the fields of English Language Education, Translation, Functional Verieties of Language, and Language Planning.
- To provide quality academic and non-academic services to stakeholders in the fields of English Language Education, Translation, Functional Verieties of Language, and Language Planning.
- The realization of a conducive LTBI organizational culture in the academic social context that encourages the establishment of a research-based university.
- The establishment of a network of cooperation with various institutions with the principle of mutual respect for mutual interests.
Graduate Profile
- English Educator/Lecturer
- Associate Researcher
- Education Manager