Doctor's Degree of Educational Technology

Head of Department : Prof. Dr. Abd. Hasan Saragih, M.Pd

Vision :

Educational Technology Study Program that excels in education, learning and the development of scientific studies that are competitive nationally and internationally


  1. Organizing effective and quality science and technology-based education and learning to cultivate superior theoretical knowledge and practical skills, highly competitive, independent, and with good personality.
  2. Carry out research and development of education and learning in order to produce conceptual applicable inventions and product oriented behavior in Educational Technology-based learning.
  3. Carry out community service in the context of applying the praxis of knowledge and expertise in working in Educational Technology
  4. Carry out scientific activities on a National and International scale in an effort to improve the quality of human resources in the field of Educational Technology.
  5. Fostering an atmosphere of academic culture and a conducive organizational climate by empowering all potentials possessed in a healthy manner in Educational Technology in the academic community.

Destination :

  1. Produce graduates who are superior, professional and with character.
  2. Produce, develop, and disseminate science, technology, and/or art.
  3. Produce and develop innovative and productive works

Graduate Profile:

  1. Teachers, Supervisors and Principals in Secondary Education (SMA/SMK) with Doctoral qualifications
  2. Lecturers at various universities with diverse disciplines
  3. Education Personnel in various District/City Education Offices and in Universities
  4. Education Planning Personnel at the District/City Education Office
  5. Trainers and Widyaiswara in various Educational Institutions and Training of Education Personnel in various Departments (such as LPMP and P4TK)
  6. Researcher in various Departments and District/City Offices.

List of staff academic research, click here