Doctor's Degree of Educational Technology
Head of Department : Prof. Dr. Abd. Hasan Saragih, M.Pd
Vision :
Educational Technology Study Program that excels in education, learning and the development of scientific studies that are competitive nationally and internationally
- Organizing effective and quality science and technology-based education and learning to cultivate superior theoretical knowledge and practical skills, highly competitive, independent, and with good personality.
- Carry out research and development of education and learning in order to produce conceptual applicable inventions and product oriented behavior in Educational Technology-based learning.
- Carry out community service in the context of applying the praxis of knowledge and expertise in working in Educational Technology
- Carry out scientific activities on a National and International scale in an effort to improve the quality of human resources in the field of Educational Technology.
- Fostering an atmosphere of academic culture and a conducive organizational climate by empowering all potentials possessed in a healthy manner in Educational Technology in the academic community.
Destination :
- Produce graduates who are superior, professional and with character.
- Produce, develop, and disseminate science, technology, and/or art.
- Produce and develop innovative and productive works
Graduate Profile:
- Teachers, Supervisors and Principals in Secondary Education (SMA/SMK) with Doctoral qualifications
- Lecturers at various universities with diverse disciplines
- Education Personnel in various District/City Education Offices and in Universities
- Education Planning Personnel at the District/City Education Office
- Trainers and Widyaiswara in various Educational Institutions and Training of Education Personnel in various Departments (such as LPMP and P4TK)
- Researcher in various Departments and District/City Offices.