Master's Degree of Chemistry Education
Head of Department : Dr. Ir. Nurfajriani, M.Si
Secretary : Dr. Tita Juwitaningsih, M.Si
Excellent Study Program in Chemistry Learning Strategy Development and recognized at National and International Levels.
- Organizing master's level chemistry education to produce quality graduates and integrated character in attitudes, knowledge and skills, which are recognized at the national, regional and international levels.
- Develop chemistry learning strategies through research with inter, multi, and trans-disciplinary approaches, as well as professional practice, to produce creative, innovative, and tested work.
- Disseminate creative and innovative ideas resulting from research in chemistry education through scientific meetings and journals on a national and international scale.
- Providing consulting services and chemical education training in collaboration with domestic and foreign agencies to help the wider community
Destination :
- Produce quality graduates and have character in accordance with learning outcomes that integrate attitudes, knowledge and skills in the field of chemistry education that are recognized at the national, regional and international levels.
- Produce innovative and proven chemistry learning strategies for inter, multi and trans disciplines as well as professional practice for secondary and higher education levels.
- Produce scientific articles or works published in national and international journals and scientific meetings.
- Produce works and services as a result of consulting service activities and chemical education training carried out in collaboration with agencies both at home and abroad.