Master's Degree of Administration Education
Head of Department: Dr. Arif Rahman, M.Pd
Secretary : Dr. Yuniarto, M.Pd
In 2025 to become an excellent study program at the national level in the field of education administration and management in producing graduates who are innovative and have good personality
To provide academic education services by providing knowledge, skills and personality values to students.
Develop, create and/or disseminate useful education administration and management knowledge based on the results of research and other scientific studies.
Develop a scientific, innovative and personal culture. Implement collaboration and community service.
This educational administration master study program is focused on five areas of specialization that form a complete core and are integrated with integrated learning outcomes. These five areas of specialization are: education designer, education management, educational leadership, educational supervision, and consultants & researchers in education administration and management which are interrelated and form strong synergies. The learning outcomes of this core program are described systematically and comprehensively in the form of mastery of knowledge, skills and experiences in various aspects of competencies.
Graduates of the Education Administration Study Program are prepared to have competencies in:
1. Developing administrative/educational knowledge through research with an inter-management or multidisciplinary approach to produce tested work and have the potential to be applied in solving educational management/governance problems, as well as reconstructing in the form of a design for institutional capacity building, management systems, and individuals.
2. Propose solutions to contextual educational administration/management problems in a complex and dynamic environment in the form of innovative, effective, and competitive educational administration/management systems, based on scientific studies and or professional practice
3. Leading educational units and/or units, compiling, and implementing management strategies, decision making, delegation in a transparent and accountable manner by applying efficient, innovative and independent principles.
4. Supervise, audit quality, and evaluate the implementation of service units and education units, measure performance to improve the quality of education in a planned and sustainable manner.
5. Contribute to the planning of research roadmaps in the field of education administration/management and/or manage research in the field of education administration/management on certain functions or aspects in the system of providing education service units or education units.
6. Disseminate accurate education administration/management studies in the form of scientific publications in national or international scientific journals.m education administration/management and/or manage research in education administration/management on certain functions or aspects of the system implementation of education service units or education units.
LIST OF LECTURERS (according to the expertise of the Education Administration study program)
1. Dr. Rosmala Dewi, M.Pd
2. Arif Rahman, M.Pd.
3. Yuniarto Mudjisusatyo, M.Pd
5. Irsan Rangkuti, M.Pd
6. Saut Purba, M.Pd
7. Aman Simaremare, MS