Master's Degree of French Education


Excellent in education and specialized French language fields (translation, tourism, secretariat, hotel and banking) on ​​national and international scales.


  1. Prioritizing the principles of quality academics, social responsibility and managerial practices based on morals and ethics that are beneficial to society;
  2. Organizing education, research, and community service based on science and technology;
  3. Develop innovative and productive research that can be utilized by the community;
  4. Organizing scientific activities in the fields of education, industrial engineering, and French culture in synergy with local wisdom;
  5. Establish cooperation with relevant institutions and agencies at the national and international levels;
  6. Prepare graduates who are skilled and tough to meet the needs of the market share (stakeholders).



  1. Able to develop knowledge and learning technology in the field of French language education professionally through research, so that graduates are able to produce creative, innovative, original, and tested work;
  2. Able to solve scientific problems and problems of learning French through inter, multi, and transdisciplinary approaches
  3. Able to manage, lead and develop research and development that is beneficial for school empowerment and the benefit of mankind, as well as being able to gain national recognition and goals.

List of staff academic research, click here