Campus Profile - Medan State University
Medan State University is a Medan state university which was established on June 23, 1963.
Unimed was originally called the Teacher Training and Education Institute or IKIP.
The formation of Unimed started from the idea of Prof. Ani Abbas Manopo, SH.
At that time Prof. Ani Abbas Manopo, SH serves as Dean of the Faculty of Law and Public Knowledge at the University of North Sumatra (USU).
The name IKIP was changed to a university to improve the quality of the organization of educational personnel education institutions (LPTK).
The change to Medan State University made a change in function.
From those who only graduated and managed educational fields, namely Bachelor of Education (S.Pd), also completed non-educational degrees such as Bachelor of Science (S.Si), Bachelor of Economics (SE), Bachelor of Letters (SS) and so on. (1)