Master's Degree of Social Anthropology
Head of Department : Dr. Hidayat, MS
Secretary : Dr. Ratih Baiduri, M.Si.
The Postgraduate Social Anthropology Study Program at the State University of Medan (UNIMED) is one of the study programs that is growing up, aged 17 years. As of May 30, 2015 the Post Unimed Social Social Studies Study Program was accredited B from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture. Obtaining B accreditation for the Social Anthropology Study Program is the pride and optimal achievement of the performance of the entire academic community of the Social Anthropology Study Program. Although the Social Anthropology study program was established in 2000 and the acceptance of new students for the Master of Anthropology program has been carried out since 2001, Its operational permit was only obtained in April 2006 from the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture with the Decree of the Establishment of the Director General of Higher Education No. 1183/D/T/2006 and then extended by the Decree of Extension No. 2152/D/T/2008 dated July 14, 2008. Since 2009 the Social Anthropology Study Program has been accredited C according to the letter from BAN PT. 013/BAN-PT/Ak-VII/S2/XI/2009.
Starting from May 2016 until now the Social Anthropology Study Program is chaired by Dr. Hidayat, M.Si and Secretary Dr. Ratih Baiduri, M.Si. In the period of 2011-2015 who became the Chair of the Social Anthropology Study Program was Dr. Phil. Ichwan Azhari, MS, Secretary Dr. Hidayat, M.Si. In the previous period, namely in 2007-2011 the Study Program was chaired by Dr. Phil. Ichwan Azhari, MS, Secretary Drs. Onggal Sihite, M.Si. Since its establishment in 2000 until 2007 acting as the Head of Social Social Studies Study Program is Prof. Dr. BA Simanjuntak and Secretary Drs. Trisni Handayani, M.Sc.
As of the 2016/2017 academic year, the Post-UNIMED Social Anthropology Study Program applies the IQF Curriculum with a total credit of 50 credits. The salient characteristics of the KKNI curriculum of Social Social Studies study program are (1) the existence of university courses, namely leadership courses with a load of 2 credits, (2) Field Experience Practice in the Field of Anthropology 2 credits and (3) improvement of the lecture and learning system by implementing 6 main tasks that students must follow, namely Routine Assignments, Journal Reviews, Research Reviews, Idea Engineering, Mini Research and project-based learning. Previously, the curriculum developed by the Social Anthropology Study Program was the Block System Competency-Based Curriculum. A prominent feature of this curriculum in the Social Anthropology Study Program is the development of a concentration of scientific fields which includes the Concentration of Culture-Based Education,
To become an excellent study program in the fields of education, research and socio-cultural development on a national scale by 2025
- Produce graduates who have basic abilities in the field of anthropology and other skills in research and practice in the socio-cultural field.
- Develop socio-cultural research in the context of scientific development, and contribute to solving contemporary socio-cultural problems.
- Build networks of cooperation and partnerships with Universities, and other stakeholders Institutions/agencies (state and private) in an effort to develop socio-cultural, local wisdom, tourism and regional autonomy.
- Conduct and serve the community in the context of empowering the development of cultural products and local wisdom
- Produce competent graduates in the fields of socio-culture, education, tourism and regional autonomy.
- Produce research and reading materials and teaching materials in the socio-cultural field by mainstreaming a socio-cultural/based approach and local wisdom at the local and national levels.
- Produce the design of socio-cultural engineering programs to minimize the negative impact of the implementation of regional autonomy and globalization which has an impact on the fading of the wealth of cultural treasures and local wisdom.
- Produce program designs to encourage the development of cultural tourism/local wisdom and the socio-cultural capital of the community.
- Build cooperation with relevant stakeholders in the socio-cultural development of rural areas, maritime communities and conservation of coastal and coastal resources including mangrove forests.
- Prof. Dr. Usman Pelly, MA
- Prof, Dr. Ibrahim Gultom, MP.d
- Prof. Dr. Ibn Hajar, M. Si
- Prof. Dr. Robert Sibarani, M.Si
- Prof. Dr. Pujiati, M.Soc
- Dr. Phil. Ichwan Azhari, MS
- Dr. Fikarwin Zuska M. Ant
- Dr. Bahrul K. Amal, M. Si
- Dr. Eron Damanik, M.Si
- Dr. Esi Emelia, M.Si
- Dr. Hidayat, M. Si
- Dr. Ratih Baiduri, M.Si
- Dr. Rosmadana Nasution, M.Sc.
- Dr. Tuti Rahayu Rahayu, M.Si
- Dr. Zulkifli
- Dr. Rahmad Husen, M.Ed.