Unimed Commitment to Improve Learning Quality and Competitiveness
MEDAN (IndependensI.com) - Medan State University is committed to improving the quality of learning and competitiveness of graduates, through the application of quality, integrity "soft skills", standardized tests, and a curriculum based on the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI).
"In the future, Medan State University (Unimed) will continue to focus on developing character education in order to produce a generation that is honest, intelligent, tough and caring," said Unimed Chancellor Prof Dr Syawal Gultom, MPd, in Medan, Friday (25/8/2017) .
From time to time, according to him, the intensity of external interaction of policy makers at Unimed is getting higher.
"Almost with all regencies/cities in North Sumatra and outside the area, Unimed has established a cooperation program to improve the quality of educators through training/workshops, postgraduate studies, and training to improve the competence of principals and supervisors," said Syawal. .
He said Unimed also cooperates with other universities to improve the quality and competitiveness of graduates. In 2017, Unimed has collaborated with various institutions/institutions and one of them is the Surabaya Institute of Technology (ITS), and Brawijaya University (Unbraw).
In addition, in 2017, the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education gave permission to open 16 new Unimed study programs, namely Civil Engineering (S-1), Nutrition (S-1), Electrical Engineering (S-1), Education Informatics and Computer Technology (S-1), Performing Arts (S-1), Science Education (S-1), Economics (S-1), Indonesian Language Education (S-2), and Economics Education (S-2 ).
Then, French Language Education (S-2), Sports Education (S-2), Sports Science (S-2), Educational Technology (S-3), Chemistry Education (S-3), Basic Education (S-3) and English Applied Linguistics (S-3).
Meanwhile, several other study programs are proposed in the assessment process.
Syawal explained, when viewed from accreditation, the study programs at Unimed, namely accredited category A as many as 24 study programs and category B as many as 30 study programs.